Hugh Savill
Director of Regulation, Association of British Insurers (ABI)
Hugh Savill is Director of Regulation at the ABI, with accountability for relations between the insurance industry and the Bank of England on prudential regulation, for relations with the Financial Conduct Authority on conduct regulation, and also for taxation issues affecting insurers.
He sits on the Executive Committee of the ABI, and reports through the Prudential, Finance and Tax Committee to the ABI Board. At the ABI Hugh has held a number of Assistant Director roles, covering EU and international affairs, UK public affairs, and ABI member relations and events. He was temporary Director of Investment Affairs for 18 months before moving into his current role in 2012.
Hugh joined the ABI in 2005 from the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), now the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. In 20 years at the DTI, Hugh worked on the finance and governance of the Department, faced off to the Scott Inquiry into the sale of arms to Iraq, and specialised in the negotiation of EU regulation.
Hugh is a well-known insurance lobbyist at European and International level, member of the ECOFIN Committee of Insurance Europe, and chairs the Capital Task Force of the Global Federation of insurance Associations.
He was educated at Harrow School, and read Modern Languages at New College, Oxford University. He started his career in the Fine Art Department of Phillips Auction House.