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We offer a range of highly-tailored networking, research and branding opportunities at our events. Don’t miss the opportunity to develop your brand and expand your business network through our bespoke packages.
For more information on the opportunities and the benefits they can bring to your business, please contact Kevin Byrne on:
+44 (0) 207 542 5906 or email kevin.byrne@thomsonreuters.com

Great law is built on great relationships. It helps if you actually get on with the lawyers you work with.
RPC combines business brains with passionate people. And we’re a firm which never shies away from doing things differently; strategically; tenaciously; efficiently; innovatively; tirelessly; and ambitiously.
That’s a modern legal service. Unstuffy. Relevant to the commercial context, delivered with speed, a smile and a commitment to be better – always.
Named Law Firm of the Year, and voted number 1 for the quality of our commercial advice and responsiveness, we provide that rare blend of legal intelligence and business savvy.

Hogan Lovells is a global law firm with more than 220 lawyers worldwide dedicated to advising the insurance industry. We have for several decades had a market leading insurance practice in London, handling a broad range of corporate, commercial, regulatory, dispute and restructuring work. Our international client base includes life and non-life insurers and reinsurers, policyholders, banks, brokers and other insurance intermediaries, market associations and service providers to the industry. The firm is ranked in Band 1 for non-contentious insurance in Chambers UK 2014.

4 New Square is a leading commercial set of barristers. We act as specialist advocates and advisers in a wide range of civil disputes, both domestic and international, and as expert advisers in non-contentious matters. Some of us also act as arbitrators and mediators. Several members of Chambers have practices which predominantly deal with insurance and re-insurance issues, ranging from general points of construction and scope of indemnity to non-disclosure and misrepresentation of material facts, breach of warranty/conditions, construction of terms, conditions and exclusions, fraud and related indemnity issues and aggregation.

White & Black Limited is a specialist technology law firm, dedicated to advising clients on supplying and implementing technology solutions. We provide contentious and non-contentious advice on the latest developments in technology law (including UK and EU data protection, data security and privacy law). As a dedicated technology focused law firm, many of our clients are in the cloud computing, data analytics, mobile apps, smart devices, software, online gaming and e-commerce sectors. We are also regularly consulted by companies outside the high-tech sector for whom technology law matters are business critical.