Luminance is a new class of document analysis software that will transform our approach to handling big data. The revolutionary technology is founded on breakthroughs in artificial intelligence at the University of Cambridge and trained by legal experts. Luminance allows the computing power of artificial intelligence to complement the sophisticated human mind. By understanding language as humans do, Luminance can recognise patterns and uncover hidden risks, providing both a global overview and a forensic insight into a company.

RAVN Systems sets the pace of the market by creating ground-breaking Artificial Intelligence and Enterprise Search technology which indexes, organises, discovers and summarises content. It not only replaces some really human mundane, routine cognitive tasks but also enables work that would have previously taken months to be achieved in hours or days. We derive structure from chaos.

LibSource, a division of LAC Group, delivers flexible and cost-effective knowledge, research and information management solutions for the legal, business, media, public sector and academic markets. Services range from consultancy, to cost management (provided through our sister division Chase Cost Management), fully managed library services and virtual research support. Clients can select a delivery model to best suit their business needs. Whether temporary projects or long-term relationships, LibSource employs researchers, business and competitive intelligence experts and other knowledge and library professionals with specialised training and experience to help organisations excel in today’s knowledge-driven economy.

Manzama is the global leading provider of managed current awareness for law firms, currently partnering with over half of the world’s largest firms and many other leading professional service organisations. As a business and market intelligence platform, Manzama analyses over 75,000 vetted legal, business and financial sources to deliver highly relevant and customised personal intelligence to each stakeholder within the organisation – cutting through the clutter to provide actionable insights and a knowledge advantage that matters.
Manzama’s intelligence platform allows Information Professionals to effectively consolidate and manage current awareness, pull in both freely available and paid subscription sources, quickly create professional newsletters for internal teams and external clients, and ensure their fee earners are aware of key developments around their clients, competitors, sectors and topics of interest.

TEC Blueprint is a newly-launched Knowledge Management companion to iManage Work, from iManage partner Tiger Eye, and is designed for law firms taking a content curation approach to knowledge management. The technology removes many of the limitations of a Workspace and provides staff with a user-friendly platform to search the KM database by keyword, author, department and more.
Blueprint is designed to provide a simple and intuitive solution for a firm’s internal knowledge database, and to enhance user engagement, leading to a more effective and fruitful interaction between users and a firm’s key knowledge.
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