Claire Cross
Of Counsel, Corker Binning
Claire Cross is a senior lawyer, specialising in all areas of white collar fraud. Claire joined Corker Binning as Of Counsel in November 2016. Prior to this, she acted as a Senior Lawyer at the Financial Conduct Authority, in the Criminal Prosecution Team.
Claire has expertise in all areas of white collar crime, with considerable and proven experience in complex FCA and CMA regulatory investigations, insider dealing, market manipulation and cartel cases, misleading statements, and anti-bribery and corruption.
Claire has specialist knowledge in case strategy, including scoping, and prosecution of multi-handed and complex cases, evidence gathering (including covert techniques and human intelligence sources), running large disclosure exercises, and court presentation. She also has extensive experience in international legal matters, including obtaining evidence from abroad, cross-jurisdictional investigations, establishing Joint Investigation Teams, drafting Letters of Request and extradition cases.