Philippe Montigny
President, ETHIC Intelligence Certification Committee
Philippe Montigny is CEO of ETHIC Intelligence, a leading certification agency specializing on company anti-corruption compliance programs. Philippe has over 20 years’ experience in anti-corruption compliance, beginning at the Office of the OECD Secretary-General where he was involved in the ministerial negotiations that led to the OECD Anti-corruption Convention.
After several years advising companies on anti-corruption compliance programs and strategies to resist extortion, Philippe developed certification as a way for companies to strengthen, promote and communicate positively and credibly on their anti-corruption programs. Since 2006, ETHIC Intelligence has certified company compliance programs internationally.
Philippe Montigny was a co-drafter of the compliance management system standard (ISO 19600) published in 2014 and of the anti-bribery management system standard (ISO 37001) published in 2016 and was the ISO liaison officer between the two standards.
He is also President of the anti-corruption commission of the French Council of Foreign Investors in Africa (CIAN) since 2002 and member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. He lectures at the University of Paris-Cergy Law School and at the French Institute of Higher National Defense Studies on programs to prevent corruption.