Dentons has been trusted advisor to the retail industry for more than 25 years offering a full service multi-disciplined team covering legal issues faced by retailers ranging from privacy and new technology to real estate, competition law, franchising, joint ventures, international expansion, wholesale agreements and dispute resolution. We know that retailers need to deliver at a local, national and global level, and change happens at an increasing pace. Having a legal partner that understands the myriad business and legal issues you face, and who can provide practical advice and solutions, has become even more important.
We can help you navigate every aspect of your business, including advertising, consumer credit, creation of customized shopping channels, copyright and trademark infringement, competition issues, data protection, regulatory considerations and contracting with suppliers and distributors. Our global presence and cross-border expertise means we offer strategic, legal advice to retailers, and truly provide a “one-stop shop” of the highest calibre.
For more information please contact:
Babette Marzheuser-Wood, Head of Retail : babette.mwood@dentons.com 02072467053
Scott Singer, Partner Retail: scott.singer@dentons.com 02073206599