Mick Gorrill
Former Head of Enforcement, ICO
Mick Gorrill worked for the Information Commissioner’s Office for seven years. He was recruited as Head of Investigations with responsibility for the investigation of all criminal offences within the Data Protection Act 1998 and Freedom of Information Act 2000.
In 2005 he was promoted to Head the newly formed Regulatory Action Division (RAD) with responsibility for investigations, audit, remedies and enforcement. He was involved in the publication of the two reports to Parliament, What Price Privacy and What Price Privacy Now.
In 2007 he facilitated the growth of the enforcement and audit departments following the HMRC and MOD data losses. He also facilitated increased regulatory action including undertakings and audit.
In 2010 he became Head of Enforcement and was involved in the issuance of the first civil monetary penalties.
In 2011 he retired from the ICO and worked for three years as a consultant to a London Law Firm specialising in data privacy and data security.