Amanda Michaels
Barrister, Hogarth Chambers
Amanda is a barrister in private practice at Hogarth Chambers in Lincoln’s Inn. She is especially well known as a trade mark specialist.
Amanda has many years of experience in soft intellectual property and media and entertainment law. Her practice encompasses litigation and advisory work in respect of trade marks, passing off, copyright and design rights, domain names, databases, confidential information, media and entertainment and contractual disputes. She regularly deals with court proceedings and proceedings and appeals before/from the UKIPO and OHIM. She acts for clients in many areas of commerce and industry including fashion, the music/record industry, films, advertising, television and publishing.
Amanda is an Appointed Person hearing appeals from the UKIPO and sits as a Deputy Enterprise Judge of the IPEC and as a civil Recorder.
She is the author with Andrew Norris of ‘A Practical Guide to Trade Mark Law’ – 5th ed, 2014.