Tabitha Kassem
Director of Governance, Compliance and Legal, Network Homes
Tabitha Kassem is Director of Governance, Compliance and Legal, Company Secretary and the Data Protection Officer at Network Homes Limited.
Tabitha is a qualified and practising solicitor with 10 years post qualification experience, with professional and voluntary experience in company secretary and data protection matters as an employee and volunteer in the private, charitable and public sectors; she also serves as a trustee for a community charity on a pro-bono basis. As company secretary of the Network Homes group, she services 18 legal entities of varying legal status. She is responsible for ensuring regulatory and legislative requirements are met for the business, with approximately 550 staff and over 20,000 properties in London and the South East. She manages a team of 11 including the inhouse legal team, all Networks insurance arrangements, Data Protection team and company secretariat. She is now also looking to oversee tenancy fraud arrangements for the business. Tabitha is not your typical company secretary, using her knowledge and understanding of the sector to identify and deliver improvements across the business. Tabitha was recently highly commended as Company Secretary by the Institute of Company Secretaries and Administers in their 2017 National Awards.