Amanda Swaffield
Director, Deloitte
Amanda Swaffield is a director at Deloitte, where she qualified as a chartered accountant in 2000. After spending 8 years working in the audit practice, specialising in the financial services industry, she joined Deloitte’s UK National Accounting and Audit team where she leads Deloitte’s narrative reporting team and provides technical advice on a range of UK GAAP and IFRS matters.
She is a member of the FRC’s Narrative Reporting Advisory Panel and a member of various ICAEW working parties in respect of new UK GAAP, narrative reporting and integrated reporting.
She is a regular presenter on Stay tuned online, Deloitte’s internet based IFRS and UK financial reporting updates, a contributor to the publication GAAP 2015 and leads the Deloitte annual survey of narrative reporting in the annual reports of listed companies.