Susan Swabey

Company Secretary, Smith & Nephew

Susan has been Company Secretary of Smith & Nephew since 2009, having previously held senior company secretarial roles in Amersham, RMC and Prudential.

Susan’s experience covers board support, corporate governance, corporate transactions, share registration, listing obligations, corporate social responsibility, pensions, insurance and employee and executive share plans.

Susan is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars and sits on a number of industry working groups and chairs the GC100 standing group on company law, corporate governance, takeovers and audit matters. In 2013, she was an active participant on the GC100 Investor Group developing the guidance on remuneration reporting. She is also a trustee of ShareGift, the share donation charity.

Susan has a degree in Classics (Literae Humaniores) from Oxford University (Corpus Christi college) and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.