Registration and coffee
Chair’s address
In this session, contributors to a recent collaborative white paper between Coca-Cola Enterprises and Cranfield University will discuss their initial findings and recommendations.
The collaboration has assessed the current and future landscape of sustainable manufacturing, considering the core challenges and opportunities the industry needs to address to achieve rapid and fundamental change.
Coca-Cola Enterprises will spotlight how sustainability fits into operations and strategy, alongside an explanation of the key features of the report by Cranfield scholars.
Elizabeth Campetti
Associate Legal Director, COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES
Dr Peter Ball
Reader in Sustainability, CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Professor Mark Jolly
Professor of Sustainable Manufacturing and Head of SMSC, CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Increasing revenues and lowering costs: a financial model underpinning success
- New Product Development and practical considerations for bringing new products to market.
- What the reduction to 19% then 18% in corporation tax means for your company
- How smart is your mapping? Connecting patents to products for maximum tax relief
- Making the most of your R&D tax credits
- Kevin Edwards Tax Partner, MacIntyre Hudson
Preparing for regulation across your business Including:
- Refreshing the basics of consumer rights
- The introduction of a class action regime for private enforcement of competition law – what this means in practice for the manufacturing industry
- Private actions damages and implications
- Rosemary Ioannou Senior Counsel , Vannin Capital
- Ian Coleman Senior Technical Underwriter (ATE), Elite Insurance Company Ltd
Coffee break
Integrating business strategy with supply chain initiatives
- Core provisions within your supply chain contract
- Key delivery times, practical commercial aspects
- Goods not for resale
- Minimising contractual risk; insuring the supply chain and avoiding hidden clauses in your supply chain contracts.
- Managing your logistics and customs procedures to ensure timely delivery.
- Jamie Fraser Associate General Counsel – Corporate and Commercial, John Crane
- James Ryan Counsel, Gw Pharmaceuticals Plc
Breakout Session 1
Please choose one of the following breakout sessions:
1A: How to deploy successful brand reputation management
- Brand reputation for manufacturers
- Incident management strategy – best practice procedures for your team
- Gavin Ingham Brooke Chief Executive, Infinite Spada
- Ewan Duncan Former Head of Anti-Illicit Trade Intelligence Unit, British American Tobacco
1B: Delivering effective employment law strategies for your team
- Drafting for manufacturing employee base (temp/w-exp/permanent)
- Zero hours
- Health & Safety – dawn raids procedure
- TUPE post M&A
- Franz Hepp De Sevelinges Associate General Counsel, Avnet
Breakout session 2
Please choose one of the following breakout sessions:
2A: The Modern Slavery Act and Compliance Measures
- Requirements under the Act
- What is slavery and human trafficking statement?
- Supply chain management
- How to make use of global conventions that already exist
- Practical guidance on implementation and compliance
- Implications of non-compliance
- An up-to-date review of the financial guidelines
- Philip Ryan Partner, Dispute Resolution and Compliance, Shoosmiths LLP
- Jocelyn Kirkwood Professional Support Lawyer, Dispute Resolution and Compliance, Shoosmiths LLP
2B: Examining how developments in automation and technology are changing the face of manufacturing
- App & computer technology within the manufacturing field – how these are affecting your business today
- A study of aided tech, including cars and home appliance
- A step-by-step approach to product liability and risk
- Kevin Athow Company Secretary & Head of Legal Affairs & Regional Compliance Officer , BSH Home Appliances Ltd
- Derek Adamson Partner - Head of Occupational Health and Casualty, DWF LLP
- Caroline Coates Partner, DWF LLP
Coffee break
Vital Intellectual Property management; protecting your assets in the global marketplace
Trade Marks
- EU Trade Mark Reform
- Anti-counterfeiting strategies
- National rights or EU rights?
- Plain packaging
Copyright & Designs
- Recent developments in copyright and designs law and practice
- 3D printing & IP rights
- Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court
- Standards and Patents
- Tactics in patent litigation
- Campbell Forsyth Partner, King & Wood Mallesons
- Nina O’Sullivan Counsel and Professional Support Lawyer Intellectual Property , King&Wood Mallesons
- Josephine Curry Associate , King&Wood Mallesons
ROUNDTABLES DISCUSSION : Working with offshore suppliers in established and emerging markets: due diligence, partnering, and structuring your workforce
- Working against bribery and corruption in new markets – practical approaches for your team
- Building relationships in new and established markets
- Alejandro I. Garcia Associate, Winston & Strawn LLP
- Mike Wang Partner, King&Wood Mallesons
- Erik Lazar Director & Founder , Transatlantic Law